Physics & Astronomy Division

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The Physics Division was established at the inaugural meeting of Science Atlantic in 1962. Members immediately developed an outline for a core undergraduate physics program to be common across the region, with aspects of its recommendations subsequently implemented throughout Atlantic Canada. 

In the mid 90’s ‘Astronomy’ was added to the division’s name to reflect the steadily growing interest in the sub-field.

One of the division’s major functions is organizing an annual student conference. AUPAC (Atlantic Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy Conference) has been held with great success each year since 1982. The division is also organizes lecture tours throughout the Atlantic provinces. You can find links to this year’s AUPAC and upcoming lectures, as well as past conference proceedings and tours, on these pages.


Save the date! The annual Atlantic Undergraduate Physics and Astronomy Conference (AUPAC) is happening January 31 to February 2, 2025.

AUPAC 2025 will be hosted by Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, at the Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation.

Registration is open now until Jan. 15, 2025.

Presentation submissions are being accepted now and the deadline is Jan. 15, 2025.

Keynote Speakers:


For more information on the event, keynote speakers, and student presentations, visit the AUPAC 2025 website.

“The Atlantic Undergraduate Physics and Astronomy Conference (AUPAC) is an annual gathering that brings together undergraduate students, faculty, and researchers from across Atlantic Canada.”


2013 Atlantic Universities Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy Conference Winners

Thanks to the support of our generous conference sponsors, each year AUPAC recognizes the achievements of some of Atlantic Canada’s top undergraduate and graduate physics and astronomy students through a variety of awards.

News and Events

AUPAC 2018

Registration closed. Please visit our conference page to see when the next event is happening. Atlantic Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy Conference (AUPAC) 2018 took place from February 2-4 at University of New Brunswick Fredericton. Thank you for all who attended! If you

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SA-CAP Physics Speaker Tour

Presenter speaking at a Science Atlantic's Speaker Tour

The Science Atlantic and Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Physics Speaker Tour brings experts in the field right to the doorsteps of undergraduate students in Atlantic Canada.

Due to COVID-19, the 2020 tour has been postponed.
For more information, please contact the Tour Coordinator .


Headshot of David Hornidge

Dvision Chair

David Hornidge
Mount Allison University

View all Physics & Astronomy division members.
