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Nomination Process

Hall of Fame Overview

The Science Atlantic Hall of Fame is intended to honour individuals who have shown exemplary service to the organization, and alumni who can trace the start of their careers to an influential experience as a student at a Science Atlantic or APICS event.

There are four categories of recognition:

  • Outstanding Member
  • Outstanding Contributing Member
  • Outstanding Alumni
  • Volunteer Service Award 
Please review the following terms of reference, criteria, and nomination process before submitting your nomination. Note: “Science Atlantic” is used to refer to the organization both under its current name and as APICS. The nomination form is currently being reviewed, please email usto submit a nomination.

A. Terms of Reference

  1. The purpose of these Terms of Reference is to set out the nature of the Hall of Fame Award and to provide guidelines on how the award should be adjudicated.
  2. Members and former students will be inducted to the Hall of Fame each year in which there is at least one suitable candidate, following the criteria below.
  3. A call for nominations will be sent out each Fall with a deadline no later than January 31st of the following year.
  4. Eligibility: Current and former Science Atlantic members and Atlantic Canadian post-secondary students involved with Science Atlantic are eligible for nomination. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
  5. Nominees need not be aware that they are being nominated.
  6. Eligible nominators: Any current or former Science Atlantic member, or any current or former student involved with Science Atlantic with support from a current or former member.
  7. The Review Committee will be chaired by a member of the Council Executive and include at least two other current or past Council or standing committee members.
  8. The Review Committee will consider outstanding contributions to the overall mission, objectives and values of Science Atlantic. All contributions must be in the context of the organization and can include service to students (such as conferences, speaker tours, etc.), service to Council and its committees, and/or service to the community through a Science Atlantic activity or promotion. Activities not related to Science Atlantic will be excluded.

B. Criteria

Outstanding Member

Specific criteria for the Outstanding Member designation include two or more of the following:

  1. Significant contribution to the founding or development of the organization
  2. Twenty or more years of service as a committee and/or Council member
  3. Service as a committee and/or Council member with at least one term as a committee chair, chair of Council, or other significant position
  4. Leadership on special projects on behalf of Science Atlantic which have a significant or lasting impact

Outstanding Contributing Member

Specific criteria for the Outstanding Contributing Member designation include two or more of the following:

  1. Ten or more years of service as a committee and/or Council member
  2. Service as a committee and/or Council member with at least one term as a committee chair, chair of Council, or other significant position
  3. Leadership on special projects on behalf of Science Atlantic which have a significant or lasting impact

Nominees will be considered for Outstanding Contributing Member if they do not meet the criteria for Outstanding Member.

Outstanding Alumni

Specific criteria for the Outstanding Alumni designation include the following:

  • Participation in one or more Science Atlantic conferences that resulted in an award
  • Contributions to Science Atlantic as a volunteer
  • Success in academia or career that can be tied to a Science Atlantic experience

Note: other reasons for student nomination will be considered as submitted.

Volunteer Service Award

Specific criteria for the Volunteer Service Award include either of the following:

  • Active participation in Science Atlantic for 5 years
  • Active participation in Science Atlantic for 3 years and leadership in coordinating a student conference

Note: nomination for the Volunteer Service Award must be submitted by the current or former Dean or Committee Chair of the nominee.

C. Nomination Process

Nominations must be received no later than midnight, January 31, to be eligible for recognition in the current calendar year.

Submission Content and Format
For logistical reasons, physical nominations cannot be accepted. Nominations must be submitted via the online submission form (link at bottom of page).

All materials supporting the nomination MUST be provided in electronic format when the form is submitted

Materials include:

  1. A completed submission form
  2. A mandatory written nomination uploaded with the submission (minimum half a page; maximum 3 pages)
  3. Optional: letter(s) of support, photographs, etc., may also be uploaded as a single zip file

The Review Committee will make its decision based solely on the information provided in the nomination package.


When making a nomination, be sure to include thorough and specific information. Some points to keep in mind:

  1. The degree to which service exceeded expectations
  2. The period of time over which the contribution(s) occurred, as well as any current/recent contribution(s)
  3. The approximate number of people who benefited by the contribution and how
  4. The ways in which the contribution enhanced the image of Science Atlantic or its services
  5. The positive influence the nominee made upon others within the organization

Online Submission Confirmation

Upon successful submission, you will be taken to a thank you page. You may print a copy of this page if you wish. An email acknowledgement will not be sent.