Psychology Division
For 48 years, the Science Atlantic Psychology Division has helped to improve the undergraduate experience for psychology students and will continue to do so for many years to come.
Psychology Conference
“Attending my first Science Atlantic Psychology Conference was an exciting experience of insightful presentations, discussions and networking. The conference provided a valuable opportunity for knowledge exchange and fostering connections between my work and the psychology community.”
– Scott Furlotte
Faculty, School of Health and Community Services
Nova Scotia Community College
Mark your calendars! The 2024 Science Atlantic Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference will be held May 9 and 10 at Saint Mary’s University!
Registration is now open and will close on May 3.
Students may choose to submit a short abstract to be considered for a presentation. At least one author must be designated as the presenter. Posters may have more than one presenter. Abstract submissions are due April 24.
More information on abstract submissions, the conference schedule, and on-campus accommodations can be found on the 2024 Psychology Conference website. If you have any questions, please contact the conference organizers at
News and Events
Thanks to the support of our generous conference sponsors. Each year Science Atlantic Undergraduate Psychology Conference recognizes the achievements of some of Atlantic Canada’s top undergraduate and graduate psychology students through a variety of awards.
In the Fall of 1964, the psychology department heads at Acadia, Dalhousie, Mount Allison, Prince of Wales College, St. Dunstan’s, and UNB applied to Science Atlantic for status as a division on psychology. Ours was the first division to have a defined terms of reference, and our membership has since grown to 14 universities across the Atlantic region. By 1972, the scheduling of lectures in the region became a regular item of business.
The first student conference was held in Halifax in May 1977. This annual conference continues to be the major undertaking of the division. The exchange of information between students and professors each May has served to improve instruction methodology in psychology and to provide faculty and students with a means of enhancing communications for over 30 years.
For 48 years, the Science Atlantic Psychology Division has helped to improve the undergraduate experience for psychology students and will continue to do so for many years to come.
Division Chair
Angie Birt
Mount Saint Vincent University
View all Psychology division members.