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Science Atlantic Nutrition and Foods Conference
2024 Award Winners 


The 2024 Science Atlantic Nutrition and Foods Conference (SANFC) was held April 24 and 25 at Memorial University of Newfoundland.


Nutrition and Foods Awards Descriptions

Science Atlantic Undergraduate Research Award


Headshot of Kelsey McIsaac

Kelsey McIsaac

University of Prince Edward Island

The long term impact of a nutrition and agriculture intervention on food insecurity and diet diversity among rural Kenyan women


Headshot of Kayla Crichton

Kayla Crichton

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Evaluation of Canada’s First Tax on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: Pretax Analysis of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Diet Quality Using the Healthy Eating Food Index-2019

Science Atlantic Science Communication Award


Headshot of Stephanie Couturier

Stephanie Couturier

Université de Moncton

Malnutrition Management at the Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Center Following the Implementation of a Validated Nutritional Care Algorithm

Awards sponsored by

Memorial University Department of Biochemistry

Undergraduate Award


Headshot of Abby Pace

Abby Pace

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Quantification of Creatine in the Tissues of Yucatan Miniature Piglets Following the Acute Enteral Administration of Amino Acid Precursors


Headshot of Kailee Pink

Kailee Pink

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Investigating Changes in Liver Histology and Metabolites in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Graduate Award

First Place

Headshot of Renan Danielski

Renan Danielski

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Therapeutic Potential of Sea Buckthorn Seed Polyphenols: A Dual Approach to Cytotoxicity and Antioxidant Activity in Human Cell Lines

Second Place

Headshot of Jessica O'Flaherty

Jessica O'Flaherty

Mount Saint Vincent University

Formulating a salt premix solution co-fortified with thiamine and iodine

First Place

Headshot of Cole Winsor

Cole Winsor

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Quantifying the effectiveness of dietary precursors on creatine synthesis in Yucatan miniature piglets

Second Place

Headshot of Nancy Rawal

Nancy Rawal

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids intake increases the accretion of DHA in adult offspring of C57BL/6 dams subjected to maternal immune activation

Science Communication Award


Headshot of Madeline Borland

Madeline Borland

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Pigment Profiling: An In-Depth Analysis of Green Sea Urchin Shell Extracts

Previous Award Winners