Notice of Motions for Changes to the
 By-Laws of Science Atlantic

To be voted on at the Annual Members Meeting
November 15, 2024
St. John’s, Newfoundland

The purpose of these proposed changes to the Science Atlantic By-laws is to increase the number of student representatives on the Board to two (currently one), and to have each student representative complete a two-year term (currently one year).

Motion 1. Be it resolved that Section 11.02, Makeup and Number of Directors, be amended so that the Board will include up to two student representatives and up to 14 voting Directors.

Subject to the Regulations under the Act, Directors may be nominated for election to the Board as follows:

  1. one Chair;
  2. one Chair Elect or Past Chair;
  3. one Treasurer;
  4. up to three Directors from the Institutional Representatives;
  5. up to three Directors from the Action and Division Committees;
  6. up to three Directors-at-Large from the broader community; and
  7. up to two one student representatives from a different Member Institutions.


The Board shall consist of a minimum of nine, and up to 13 14, voting Directors.

Motion 2. Be it resolved that Section 11.03, Term of Office of Directors, be amended to reflect a change in student representative term length to two years.

  1. The Chair of the Board of Directors shall be elected for a two-year term, renewable once only. The Chair Elect position shall be a period of one year. The Past Chair position shall extend from the completion of term as Chair until the election of a Chair Elect. The Treasurer position shall be a term of three years, renewable.
  2. Except where an election is held to fill the unexpired portion of a term, all newly elected Directors except the student representatives shall be elected for three-year terms.
  3. The student representatives shall be elected to staggered two one-year terms.
  4. An Institutional Representative who is elected as a Director may continue as Director for up to one year after the end of their term as an Institutional Representative.
  5. An Action or Division Committee Chair who is elected as a Director may continue as Director for up to one year after the end of their term as an Action or Division Committee Chair.
  6. A student representative who is elected as a Director may continue as a Director for up to one year after graduation.
Bold blue indicates additions 
Red strikethrough indicates deletions