Biology and Applied Aquatic Sciences Joint Conference
2025 Applied Aquatic Sciences Award Winners

The 2025 Biology and Applied Aquatic Sciences (BAAS) joint conference was held March 7 to 9. It was hosted by Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

Applied Aquatic Sciences Awards Descriptions

2025 Biology Award Winners

Science Atlantic Undergraduate Research Award

Poster Presentation

Madison Jordan

Madison Jordan

University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Investigating copper acclimation in mummichog: Implications for ionoregulation and physiological tolerance

First Place
Oral Presentation

Aaron Ulrick

Aaron Ulrick

Dalhousie University

Caught on Camera: Exploring Fish and Invertebrate Populations in Nova Scotian Kelp Beds Using Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems (BRUVS)

Second Place
Oral Presentation

Jordyn WIlliams

Jordyn Williams

Mount Allison University

Population Ecology of Eastern Painted Turtles and Snapping Turtles in the Jemseg Grand Lake Watershed

Third Place
Oral Presentation

Rajan Minocha-McKenney

Rajan Minocha-McKenney

Mount Allison University

The Cardiac and Osmotic Stress Response to Diel Cycling Hypoxia in Brook Char (Salvelinus fontinalis)

Best Graduate Presentation Award

Oral Presentation

Amélie Guitard

Amélie Guitard

Université Sainte-Anne

The impacts of co-exposures of environmental stressors on Non-Model Organism Brachionus plicatilis

People's Choice Award

Oral Presentation

Parker Sullivan

Parker Sullivan

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Highlighting bycatch risk: Spatiotemporal overlap of seabirds and inshore gillnet fisheries in Newfoundland

Poster Presentation

Daniel Ng

Daniel Ng

Dalhousie University

High-resolution mapping of Pacific white skate (Bathyraja spinosissima) nursery habitats at the active Galápagos hydrothermal vent field Iguanas-Pinguinos