Science Atlantic Environment Conference

2024 Award Winners


The 2024 Science Atlantic Environment Conference (SAEC) was held March 22 to 24, at the University of Prince Edward Island.

Review the conference program, abstracts, and poster presentations list.

Environment Awards Descriptions

SAEC 2024 Flickr Album


Science Atlantic Undergraduate Research Award

First Place

Alexe Indigo

Alexe Indigo

Dalhousie University, Faculty of Agriculture

Can introduced dung beetle Onthophagus nuchicornia effectively use dung from mammals native to eastern North America beyond agroecosystems?

Second Place

Josie Mallet

Josie Mallet

St. Francis Xavier University

Regional marine trends following the cessation of carbon emissions: what will be the future of warm coral reefs?

Honourable Mention

Emilie LeBlanc

Emilie LeBlanc

Université de Moncton

Comparaison des niveaux de stress physiologiques chez Homarus americanus par identification de biomarquers

Graduate Research Award


Riham Alkhalaf

Riham Alkhalaf

Université de Moncton

Valorisation économique des infrastructures vertes dans le contexte des changements climatiques, Dieppe, Nouveau-Brunswick


Meghan Oliver

Meghan Oliver

University of New Brunswick

Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzovorous) breeding and habitat in the Wolastoq/Saint John River Valley

Honourable Mention

Annie Dysart

Annie Dysart

University of Prince Edward Island

Using eDNA to assess fish populations in aquatic environments of Prince Edward Island, Canada

Acadian Forest Region Award


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Hannah Freeman

Dalhousie University

Determining effectiveness of forestry beneficial management practices for Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi), a species at risk bird in Nova Scotia.

Science Atlantic Science Communication Award


William Chapman

William Chapman

Mount Allison University

Scientific communication in a vulnerable language