Notice of Motion to revise Science Atlantic’s by-laws

The following motion will be made at the November 24, 2023, Annual Members’ Meeting at Université de Moncton:

Be it resolved that the Science Atlantic proposed by-law revisions in the file Science Atlantic proposed by-laws (final draft Oct 3, 2023) be approved as circulated.

Eligible voters are Institutional Representatives (Deans or other senior administrators at Member Institutions or their proxy, as noted in the October 25, distribution list).

Note: If you are unable to attend the meeting, please identify a delegate to exercise your vote, complete a proxy form, and send to

Due to the breadth of proposed changes, if you do not support part of the proposed changes to the by-laws, we would appreciate it if you would identify the section in question prior to the meeting by contacting Robert van den Hoogen or Lois Whitehead. We request this so that a modified notice of motions, if required, may be circulated to the voting Members (Institutional Representatives) prior to the vote.

Supporting documents for the vote:


Science Atlantic Governance Committee members
Robert van den Hoogen, Lori Francis, and Travis Fridgen

(Note: this information was previously circulated to Institutional Representatives by email on October 25, 2023)

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