Science Atlantic Psychology Conference 2023
May 3 to 4, 2023, hosted by Mount Saint Vincent University
Thank you to our generous conference sponsors!
Science Atlantic Undergraduate Research Award

Rachel Binns
Mount Allison University
How Bright is the Bright Side? Measurement and Implications of Toxic Positivity for the Self and Others

Akua Amankwah-Poku
Saint Francis Xavier University
Comparing Factors that Influence Mental Health and Help-seeking in University Students in Canada and in Ghana.
Science Communication Award

Karla Kenny
Saint Mary's University
Oh, That's so cringy! Exploring the Evolutionary Roots of Embarrassment

Noémie Thériault
Université de Moncton
Effects of Multimodal Distractors on Attention
Karen Nicholson Award in Neuropsychology

Aidan Steeves
Mount Allison University
The Impact of Cognitive Style on Visuo-Haptic Object Identification
See award winners from previous years
Science Atlantic Psychology Conference
2024 Award Winners
The 2024 Science Atlantic Psychology Conference was held May 9 and 10 at Saint Mary’s University.
Review the conference program and abstract.
Science Atlantic Science Communication Award

Millie Bhaskara
Dalhousie University
Adolescent Predator Stress Decreases Motivation in Postpartum C57BL/6J Mice

Hannah Dykeman
St. Francis Xavier University
Investigating the Role of Substance Use in Coping with Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder
Science Atlantic Undergraduate Research Award

Hollis Holden
Saint Mary's University
Item Clarity as a Curb-Cut: Randomized Control Trial Shows Positive Psychometric Impact of Autism-Informed Item Clarification on Self-Report Questionnaires Used with Undergraduate Students

Quinn MacDonald
Dalhousie University
Associations Between Hostile Interpersonal Emotion Regulation during Sexual Conflict and Sexual Well-Being in Couples coping with Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
Karen Nicholson Award in Neuropsychology

Ethan Kavanagh-Day
Saint Mary's University
The Effects of L-Tyrosine on Directed Remembering and Forgetting
Previous Award Winners

2023 Psychology Award Winners
The 2023 Science Atlantic Psychology Conference was held May 3 and 4, at Mount Saint Vincent University.

Psychology 2019 Award Winners
The 43rd annual Science Atlantic Psychology Conference boasted some of the best undergraduate psychological research