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Atlantic Universities Geoscience Conference

2024 Award Winners

The 2024 Atlantic Universities Geoscience Conference (AUGC) was held October 24 to October 26, at Dalhousie University.


Earth Science Awards Descriptions

Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS) Environmental Geoscience Award

Oral Presentation

Hayley Newell

Hayley Newell

Acadia University

Mercury in Soil Horizons from Southwestern Nova Scotia: Relationships with Vegetative Bioindicators and Mineralogy

Canadian Energy Geoscience Association (CEGA) Award

Oral Presentation

Tess Gates Flaherty

Tess Gates-Flaherty

Acadia University

The taxa world sure can be taxing! Creating an open-source Windsor Group fossil database

Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG) Award

Oral Presentation

Abby Smith

Abbey Smith

Acadia University

"Get off my lawn”: Coastal erosion in Hantsport, NS

Imperial Oil Best Poster Award

Poster Presentation

Gabriela Fuentes Waye

Gabriela Fuentes Waye

Saint Mary's University

Timing of Mafic Magmatism and Nature of Metasomatism at Clarke Head, NS

Science Atlantic Best Paper Award

Oral Presentation

Brooke Reid

Brooke Reid

Dalhousie University

Carboniferous Sarcopterygian Fish Fossils and the Marine Paleoenvironment at Joggins Fossils Cliffs, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Frank S. Shea Memorial Award

Oral Presentation

Teirnan Davies

Tiernan Davies

Acadia University

Geology and economic mineral potential of the central Jeffers block, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia, Canada

Previous Award Winners

AUGC 2022 Award Winners

The 72nd Atlantic Universities Geological Conference (AUGC) was held October 27 to 29, 2022, at Acadia University

Thank you to our generous conference sponsors!

Science Atlantic Best Paper Award

Headshot of Claire Gullison

Claire Gullison

University of New Brunswick,

Microplastic in Beach Sediment from Marys Point, Shepody National Wildlife Area, Southeast New Brunswick 

Imperial Oil
Best Poster Award

No photo

Leila Rashid

Saint Mary's University

Documenting Recent Human Influences Using Remote Sensing Techniques on the Tekes River Alluvial Fan, Xinjiang, China

Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG) Award

Headshot of Nikita Lakhanpal

Nikita Lakhanpal

Saint Mary's University

Survey of Porewater Geochemistry within Deep Marine Hydrocarbon Seep Sediments of the Scotian Slope, Canada

The Frank S. Shea Memorial Award
in Economic Geology

Headshot of Taylor Mugford

Taylor Mugford

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Mineralogy of the Boundary Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposit of the Tally Pond Group, Victoria Lake Supergroup, Newfoundland Appalachians

The Canadian Society of Exploration
Geophysicists (CSEG) Award

Headshot of Megan MacDonald

Megan MacDonald

Dalhousie University

Machine-learning Focal Mechanism Inversion for Hydraulic Fracking-induced Earthquakes

Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS)
Environmental Geoscience Award

Headshot of Julianna Whelan

Julianna Whelan

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Methane Flux, Source, and Lipid Biomarkers of Serpentinite-hosted Groundwater Springs at Contrasting Sites of Terrestrial Serpentinization

Previous Award Winners