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Earth Science | Past AUGC Winners

Science Atlantic Best Paper Award


Kathleen Clark, Dalhousie University

Trace element geochemistry of biotite and apatite from the Scrag Lake pluton of the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia


Joshua Jackman, Saint Mary's University

Microanalysis of quartz and carbonate hosted fluid inclusions associated with polymetallic mineralization (Fe-Co-Ni-Cu-As-Ag-Sb-Au-Pb), of the Cape Saint Mary’s, Lansdowne and Nictaux Falls dam occurrences in the Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia


Miguel Vaccaro, Acadia University

Petrology, age, and tectonic setting of the Gunshot Brook pluton, eastern Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia


Liam MacNeil, University of New Brunswick - Fredericton

Reconstructing Paleoproductivity in the North Water Polynya Employing Diatom Microfossils


Ariel Greenblat, Dalhousie University

A high resolution record of sediment deposition, in the Gulf of Aqaba


Sean Murphy, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Three-dimensional morphological characterization of the trace fossil Parahaentzschelinia ardelia, Atoka Formation, Oklahoma


Katie McCulloch, Acadia University

Petrology and geochemistry of the Jeffers Brook Pluton, western Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia


Jillian Leigh Kendrick, Dalhousie University

The fate of olivine in the lower crust: the petrology of coronitic metagabbro in the Western Grenville Province, Ontario


Lisa Mundry, Acadia University

Petrological comparison of sills and dykes in metasedimentary rocks of the Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia, and the Harlech Dome, Wales


Mariana Joury, Memorial University of Newfoudland

Influence of Native Newfoundland Sea Cucumber Cucumaria frondosa on Sediment Mineralogy and Texture


Dewey Dunnington, Acadia University

Tracking late-Holocene environmental change at Long Lake, New Brunswick-Nova Scotia border region, Canada


Travis McCarron, St. Francis Xavier University

The origin and composition of polyphase inclusions in tourmaline from the Greenbushes pegmatite, Western Australia


Matt Stimson, Saint Mary's University

Evidence of Fossil Horseshoe Crabs from the Joggins Fossil Cliffs


Luke Hilchie, Dalhousie University

Chloride in kimberlites? Constraints from diamond oxidation experiments

Imperial Oil Best Poster Award


Nikita Lakhanpal, Saint Mary's University

Survey of porewater geochemistry within deep marine hydrocarbon seep sediments of the Scotian Slope


Marie Flanagan, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Magnetics Study within the Valentine Lake Gold Property, Newfoundland and Labrador


Andrew Wagner, Saint Mary’s University

Characterization of apatite-hosted silicate melt inclusions in magmatic rocks associated with the Cantung (W-Cu-Au) skarn deposit, Northwest Territories


Mattea McRae, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Comparing CO2 sequestration experimental methods and investigating CO2 sequestration using Type I and Type II serpentine groundwaters


Mariah Williams, Saint Mary's University

Discriminating multiple mineralization events of the diatremeassociated Cu-Mo-W-Au occurences at the Revenue Deposit, Dawson Range, Yukon Territory, Canada


Christopher Williams, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Rifted margin and sedimentary structure of the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, outboard of Goban Spur, southwest Ireland


Glen Hodge, Saint Mary’s University

Fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of gold formation in the Lavoie-Maisie Gold District, northwestern New Brunswick


Haley LeBlanc (centre), Saint Mary’s University

Polymetallic Co-Ni-As-Bi-Sb-Ag veins in the Southern Slave Province, Northwest Territories


Siobhan McGoldrick, Dalhousie University

Petrology and Geochemistry of ca. 2680 Ma Pillowed Lavas at Sharrie Lake, Southern Slave Province, NWT


Tara Forstner, Dalhousie University

Bedrock incision and surface uplift rates of the western Hangay Dome, Mongolia


Mariella Nalepa, Acadia University

Investigation of the form and age of the Bloody Creek Crater, southwestern Nova Scotia


Nor Afiqah Mohamad Radzi, Acadia University

Petrography of stratigraphic units in the subsurface in the Phetchabun Basin, Thailand


Mary Leaman, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Lateral Permeability Differences in the Elgol Sandstone Formation


Morgan Quinn, Dalhousie University

Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of alteration in the Afton copper-gold porphyry, Kamloops, British Columbia

Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG) Award


Nikita Lakhanpal, Saint Mary's University

Survey of porewater geochemistry within deep marine hydrocarbon seep sediments of the Scotian Slope


Lindsay Oldham, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Physical Stratigraphy and Provenance of Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Adventdalen Group sandstones, central Spitsbergen, Svalbard


John Mishael Dooma, Saint Mary’s University

Paleoenvironment reconstruction of the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary of Western Newfoundland using petroleum biomarkers and carbon isotope chemostratigraphy


Brant Gaetz, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Geophysically constrained microplate fragmentation model, and terrane-controlled evolution of Mesozoic basins – Rifted North Atlantic borderlands, offshore Newfoundland, Canada (Thesis Progress).


Max Chipman, Acadia University

The Bountiful Coprolites of the Joggins Formation


Erin Anderson, Dalhousie University

Diagenetic effects and fluid flow along erosional boundaries in the Triassic Wolfville Formation at Rainy Cove, Nova Scotia


Daniel MacLeod, St. Francis Xavier University

Evaluation of Nexen interest and competitor land throughout the Corner Property, northeastern Alberta


Dillon White, Saint Mary’s University

Variation in style of overpressure in Scotian Shelf wells, Scotian Basin


Daniel Niquet, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Permeability and Porosity of Collapsed Cone Structures Associated with Ophiomorpha Trace Fossils in Offshore Newfoundland Cores


Lianabel Selviz, Memorial University of Newfoundland Oil production enhancement strategy by using integrated simulation and well log data

Norne Field, Norway


Derrick Midwinter, Dalhousie University

The Depositional Regime of Early Triassic Sedimentation in the Bjorne Formation on the Eastern Margin of the Sverdrup Basin, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada


Frank Ryan, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Early Jurassic Gordondale Member — Shale gas potential and XRD, wireline log, and TOC analysis


Jordan Nickerson, Dalhousie University

Architecture and Geometry of a Braided Channel Complex in the Wolfville Formation


Darren Lefort, Saint Mary's University

Character of the mafic trigger of the Kos Plateau Tuff eruption

The Frank S. Shea Memorial Award in Economic Geology


Amanda Smith, Acadia University

Petrology and tectonic setting of the Park Spur pluton, Aspy terrane, Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia


Moya MacDonald, University of New Brunswick - Fredericton

Epithermal Gold Mineralization and Associated Alteration at the Golden Ridge Deposit, Poplar Mountain Volcanic Complex, southwestern New Brunswick: Analysis of the Role of Pyrite and Arsenopyrite during Mineralization


Natalie McNeil, Saint Mary’s University

The mineralogy, paragenesis, and petrogenesis of the polymetallic (Co-Ni-As-Au) veins of the Nictaux Falls Dam Occurrence in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia


Kali Gee, Saint Mary's University

Origin of epithermal-style gold mineralization in the eastern Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia: constraints from S isotopes and pyrite trace element chemistry


Kate Woods, Dalhousie University

An experimental study of the effect of water on chromite saturation in komatiites


Taylor Chew, Acadia University

Geological setting of Au-Cu-Ni-Pb occurrences in the Second Gold Brook area, southwestern Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia


Corwin Trottier, Saint Mary's University

Polymetallic Ni-Co-As-Bi-Ag-U veins with co-precipitating bitumen at Copper Pass, southern Slave Province, Northwest Territories


Nikolett Kovacs, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Carlin-style gold mineralization in the Yukon Territory, Canada: Venus zone, Einarson property


Travis White, University of New Brunswick

The Early Devonian, Evandale Porphyry Cu-Mo-(Au) deposit, Southern New Brunswick: Petrologic, Geochemical, Geothermobarometric, and Geochronologic Characterization of the Host Rocks and its Origin


Aaron Bustard, University of New Brunswick

Evaluation of the Controls on the Distribution of Scheelite and Wolframite within Mineralized Zones at the Sisson Brook W-Mo-Cu deposit, west-central New Brunswick: a Petrogenetic Analysis


Erin Adlakha, Saint Mary’s University

Constraining hydrothermal and magmatic processes beneath the Merensky Reef and UG2 Chromitite, Bushveld Complex, RSA


Sarah Gordon, University of New Brunswick - Fredericton

The petrogenesis of calc-alkaline lamprophyres from Mali, West Africa


Darren LeFort, Saint Mary's University

Fluid Inclusion Evidence for an Epithermal-Porphyry Cu-Au System, Quesnel Terran, British Columbia Canada


April Coombs, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Provenance of Ophiolite to Arc Transition in the Peri-Laurentian realm, Central Newfoundland Appalachians

Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG) Best Geophysical Presentation


Joseph de Luca, University of New Brunswick

Geothermal potential in New Brunswick: updated maps and databases


Sarah Greene, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Geophysical Characterization Study of Robin Hood Bay Landfill, St. John's, NL


Alex Bugden, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Detailed seismostratigraphy and well log analysis of the Saglek Basin, offshore Labrador, using regional seismic reflection profiles and intersecting wells


Jacob Newman, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Numerical and experimental observation of nonlinear responses from the interaction of two progressing waves at an interface


Joey Pittman, Memorial University of Newfoundland

A geophysical characterization of a Bog in Gullbridge, Newfoundland


Nickolas Lynch, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Geophysical detection of reducing springs: a new approach


Andrew Blagdon, Memorial University of Newfoundland

A ground penetrating radar study of bogs and lakes in the Howley Basin, Newfoundland


Taylor Campbell, Dalhousie University

Seismic Stratigraphy and Attribute Analysis of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the Penobscot Area, Offshore Nova Scotia


Lianabel Selviz, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Oil production enhancement strategy by using integrated simulation and well log data, Norne Field, Norway


Andrea Christians, Saint Mary’s University

Re-examining Pleistocene tunnel valleys on the Scotian Shelf and their implications for slope sediment delivery


Matthew Vaughan, Dalhousie University

High resolution seismic stratigraphy (GPR) of braided channel complexes in the Triassic Wolfville Formation — controls on reservoir heterogeneity


Byron Kelly, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Offshore Correlation of the Transform Fault Zone Seperating Cyprus and Hellenic Arcs in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea


Nicole M. Peters, Dalhousie University

Seismic and Core Stratigraphy of a Glaciated Lake, Dartmouth NS

Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS) Environmental Geoscience Award


Logan Cormier, Saint Mary's University

The first discovery of vertebrate and invertebrate ichnofossils in the Stellarton Basin (Westphalian C), Nova Scotia


Hannah Sharpe, University of New Brunswick - Fredericton

Benthic and planktic foraminifera distribution around Southampton Island, Hudson Bay


Kayla Lawrence, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Examining CO2 sequestration potential and subsequent mineral carbonation in ultramafic rocks from the Baie Verte, NL area1


Kazuhito Mizutani, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Effects of solid-to-solution ratio on copper (II) and zinc (II) adsorption onto natural sediment: an experimental and modeling study


Fiona Henderson, Dalhousie University

Predicting zones and potential sampling methods for elevated metal concentrations in urban soils, Halifax, Nova Scotia


Kirklyn Davidson, Acadia University

Spatiotemporal assessment of metal concentrations of pre-effluent estuarine sediments in a freshwater kraft pulp mill tailings pond using paleolimnological methods


Kayla Lawrence, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Examining CO2 sequestration potential and subsequent mineral carbonation in ultramafic rocks from the Baie Verte, NL area

Challenge Bowl


Ky Hughson and Mike Richards

University of New Brunswick


Matthew Vaughan and Anne Belanger

Dalhousie University


Leah Chiste and Alex Kaul

Acadia University